Getting a loan is no longer a difficult challenge today. The market is constantly developing financing instruments that meet current needs. This perspective looks great when you are an employee and you already have a comfortable seniority at your current job. For the category of people who do not have the status of the employee, the offer of loans is different and with a narrower horizon.
However, many people do not have this status of an employee, with constant and predictable income. Some because they are stuck with different jobs, for reasons related to their own decision or for reasons beyond their control. Others because they are part of the generation that adopts new forms of work, based on specific projects, freelance activities. For them, getting a loan without being hired is a difficult task, but not impossible!
Can I get a loan without a stable job?
Fortunately, you can! In the absence of a salary income based on an employment contract, the applicant for a loan can find on the market of loans granted by NFIs products that can be guaranteed with other types of income (constant or not). The proof is made based on a bank account statement, which shows the value and frequency of these incomes. These can be from independent activities, rents, freelancing projects. If the institution granting non-bank loans considers that the income presented is sustainable, it will approve the loan.
Non-bank financial institutions (NFIs) have developed advantageous and flexible lending products for this market segment. The loan can be guaranteed with several categories of income, apart from those from salaries. For example, you can guarantee a loan with personal property. If its value covers the loan, they are considered by NFIs. It should be noted that the loans you can get if you are not an employee are lower in value than those granted to people who prove that they have a certain income. Also, the period for which it is granted is shorter than a classic loan.
The advantages of credit-granting NFIs come not only from the flexibility of analyzing applicants’ sources of income but also from simplified procedures, which provide credit without too many documents.